V Press LC is now accepting submissions year round. In addition to the details below, please read our Book Submissions page to see what we like, what we don't, rules and rights, and more:  http://www.vpresslc.com/submissions/ 


General Book Submissions Accepted Year-Round

General Book Submission(s) Guidelines

  • Submit a query letter, a table of contents (if relevant), a synopsis, and the first three chapters of your manuscript for consideration. Poets please submit the full manuscript. If we are interested we will offer you a  competitive book contract. V Press LC accepts any of these genres: Novel; Narrative Nonfiction; Memoir; Flash; Compilation Pieces including Short Stories, Essays, Letters; Poetry; Graphic Novels/Nonfiction; and Hybrid Manuscripts ($30 reading fee). 

What we like

V Press LC loves to read fresh and original works. We lean more towards writing that empowers, educates, inspires, encourages or moves us in some way–the best works are those that get into the bones and the reader carries them around for a while. But know that there are some works we will publish simply for the enjoyment of reading them. Submit and surprise us. We love to be surprised.

What we don’t want

V Press LC does not want to see any works involving child abuse, graphic sexual deviations, horror, or anything that is just plainly too graphic for general adult audiences. If it disturbs the general reader then it’s not for us.

The following are more works that we are not interested in seeing/reading: self-help & ‘how-to,’ religion and spirituality, erotica, textbooks, or technical/professional works.

V Press LC looks forward to reading your pieces 

Learn more about V Press LC here: https://www.vpresslc.com/about/

If you have questions, feel free to contact Director and Managing Editor, Torie Amarie Dale at torie@vpresslc.com

Only those authors with whom we have requested a full manuscript should submit here. NOTE: ALL UN-REQUESTED MANUSCRIPTS SUBMITTED HERE WILL BE UNREAD!

Authors who have had a request for a full manuscript kindly:

  • FORMATE THE MANUSCRIPT double-spaced with a one inch border and with page numbers on each page, Start a new chapter one third down the page.
  • SUBMIT A TABLE OF CONTENTS at the start of the book, if relevant.
  • Make sure you FILL OUT THE FORM COMPLETELY (cover letter including bio, etc.)

Submit a 2-4 page synopsis along with your Query letter and the first three (3) chapters of your book. Please use Times New Roman 12 pt. font and submit your document as a Word attachment. 

Please note that the majority of your work should be unpublished--this includes works published via print, blogs, social media forums, website and anywhere else where the general public could see it  

Submit only your best. 

What you get

V Press LC invites submissions from anyone, anywhere in the world. Please submit a query letter, synopsis, and the first three chapters of your book for consideration. If we are interested we will offer you a competitve book contract. However, we cannot offer any monetary prize. 

What we like 

V Press LC loves to read fresh and original works. We lean more towards writing that empowers, educates, inspires, encourages or moves us in some way--the best works are those that get into the bones and the reader carries them around for a while. But know that there are some works we will publish simply for the enjoyment of reading them. Submit and surprise us. We love to be surprised. 

What we don’t want 

V Press LC does not want to see any works involving child abuse, graphic sexual deviations, horror, or anything that is just plainly too graphic for general adult audiences. If it disturbs the general reader then it’s not for us. The following are more works that we are not interested in seeing/reading: works targeted for children, self-help, religion and spirituality, erotica, textbooks, or technical/professional works. 

Rights & Rules 

Multiple submissions are allowed and encouraged, but each submission must be accompanied with a separate reading fee. 

Simultaneous submissions are also welcome and encouraged. Kindly let us know if your submission has been accepted elsewhere. 

V Press LC